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Office of Graduate Admissions | | (413) 748-3225
Conversations with a Counselor
Please remember all times listed are in the Eastern Time Zone. You can check here to see your corresponding local times.
Rachel Ahlmeyer
School of Physical Education, Performance, and Sport Leadership
Meet with Rachel Regarding:
Adventure Education (MEd) | Athletic Leadership (MEd/MS) | Athletic Training (MS) |
Exercise Physiology (MS + PhD) | Health Disparities and Health Equity (Post-Bachelors Certificate Online) | Health Education for Schools and Communities (Post-Bachelors Certificate Online) | Health Promotion & Health Equity (MEd Online) | Physical Education (Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study) | Physical Education (PhD) | Physical Education: Adapted Physical Education (MEd/MS) | Physical Education: Advanced Pedagogy (MEd/MS) | Physical Education: Initial Licensure (MEd/MS) | Sport & Exercise Psychology (online MEd + On Ground MEd/MS + PhD) | Strength & Conditioning (MEd/MS) |
Rachel's Availability
Sean Mangan
School of Social Work and Behavior Sciences
Meet with Sean Regarding:
Organizational Leadership (MS online) | Social Work (MSW) | Social Work: Advanced Standing (MSW) |
Social Work/Juris Doctorate (MSW/JD Springfield & Western New England University) |
Sean's Availability
Erin Pfeifer
School of Social Work and Behavior Sciences
Meet with Erin Regarding:
Athletic Counseling (MEd/MS) | Athletic Counseling (Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study) |
Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MEd) | Counseling Psychology (PsyD) | Counseling (Post Masters Certificate) | Rehabilitation Counseling (MEd) | School Counseling (MEd + Post Masters Certificate) |
Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MEd) | Counseling Psychology (PsyD) | Counseling (Post Masters Certificate) | Rehabilitation Counseling (MEd) | School Counseling (MEd + Post Masters Certificate) |